Only At Street Fighter X Tekken X CronusMAX PLUS!

If you're not familiar with the CronusMAX PLUS, this thumbdrive sized device is exceptionally powerful as it works exactly as promised. We've done extensive tests here at, as 3rd party devices often promise a lot, but the CronusMAX PLUS really delivers when it comes to connecting controllers to consoles.CronusMAX PLUS PC, PS3™, X360, PS3™ Slim, PS4™, XONE™    US$ 69.99 24h While the Official Features List already shows a massive list for it's cross over potential, we've discovered something, which leads us to our special bundle! We found that the CronusMAX PLUS can even reactivate legacy hardware for today's generation of consoles!Originally compatible only with the PlayStation 3, the Street Fighter X Tekken Arcade FightStick Pro Tournament Edition is a high value collectors item, emblazoned with iconic characters from the fighting game universe and offers professional functionality with the responsiveness found off a brand new arcade cabinet.Despite the compatibility, out of curiousity, tested it with the CronusMAX PLUS to see if it would work on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One; the games we primarily played were Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- and Mortal Kombat X respectively, and we're happy to say that everything works - including turbo - and ...[more]

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