TGS 2015: Ryu Ga Gotoku: Kiwami - The Original Yakuza - A Remade Man

Sega's Toshiro Nagashi, Producer of the Yakuza series recently divulged exciting details at the Pre-TGS Sony PlayStation Asia Conference, with emphasis on how two new projects will encompass 10 years of passion and experience.The first announcement was about the commemorative 10th anniversary project, Yakuza: Kiwami, an enhanced remake of the original PS2 title, featuring new battle systems, new mini-games, and new scenarios; fans will instantly appreciate and recognize the more polished and updated version, and newcomers will be able to find a great way into the dark underground of Tokyo's criminal underworld, especially with the updated graphics and textures found on the PS4 version.The second announcement was a PS4 and PS3 release date: Ryu Ga Gotoku: Kiwami will be out on Jan 21st, 2016 for both Japan and Asia, with the Asian version continuing the trend of Traditional Chinese Text. As well, as an early incentive, the demo for Yakuza 6 will be purchase bonus, but only for the PS3 version. Yakuza 6 is also slated for a Fall 2016 date! Regardless, Yakuza fans need to watch this trailer, and see for themselves what looks to be a really definitive version of the original Yakuza!Ryu ga Gotoku Kiwami PlayStation 4™ ...[more]

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