DOOM: Because It's Supposed To Be Gory

Skcreeeeee! The scraping metallic sound combined with an remixed version of Bobby Prince's classic "At Doom's Gate"  score is a glorious herald for the gory battle to come. Another Bethesda heavy hitter, E3 saw the first public reveal of DOOM, and one of the pioneers of brutality finally gets a BFG styled confirmation.Developed by id software, DOOM is the latest take on this iconic series - the premise is simple yet time tested: A lone DOOM Marine must face by himself the literal hordes of Hell. Armed only with a kinetic prowess and an arsenal of futuristic weapons - as well as contemporary versions of classics like the super shotgun - players face a relentless campaign where the foundations of intense FPS action quake with rage. Enemies will fly, climb, crawl at alarming speeds, and they will be unscripted with their own unique movements, so that no encounter is the same.And since id software invented the death match, influencing every VS FPS, DOOM comes of course with an arena based multiplayer mode where unique power ups that allow transformation into a demon pushes the formula forward alongside other modes.There's also the DOOM SnapMap, an in game level editor; like tradition, players ...[more]

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