Monster Farm for Nintendo Switch – Trainers go wild!!!

Monster Farm

Nintendo Switch Ι Genre: Feed, Care & Raise your Monsters

Moby Dick, Rancor, Cthulhu, and Balrog, we’re sure that these names strike a bit of fear in all people’s hearts; but before their relatively recent appearance, humankind had the opportunity to encounter many other titanic beasts since the dawn of history.
The origin of the word monster takes us back to many centuries ago, during the Roman Empire; the term monstrum (wonder, exceptional thing) was used to define something exceptional that normally is not present in nature. Exotic animals such as armadillos, walruses or rhinoceroses were considered actual monsters among the European civilizations, and the human imagination created tens of thousands of this kind of beings since the very ancient times, but despite their age; monsters have started to become popular among the masses only during the Middle-Ages.
With the flourish of bestiaries, illustrated books who show strange or grotesque beasts, even more people started to be charmed by them in a very exceptional way; just to name a few, the most famous ones are the Ashmole Bestiary, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the Northumberland Bestiary, and the Bern Physiologus. In each of these volumes, we can find both imaginary beings, and the firsts descriptions of natural phenomena. Their popularity transcended the passing of the years, and even modern artists and writers like Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec or Jorge Luis Borges compiled their own bestiaries.

Used to teach moral lessons to the biggest number of people, monsters are more than mere fantastic beings, they’re allegories who warn us about the dangers a person could meet. For example, the creature built by Dr. Frankenstein explains a symbolic way what could happen if the men replace the gods in the creation process, the result will be a living being but absolutely imperfect.
By the way, not all of them are scaring, monsters could be also positive figures that help humans in their daily life, and in 1995, one year before the launch of Pokémon; Tecmo released a game for PlayStation in which the main characters were cute & friendly monsters, its title was Monster Farm.
The story is simple, scattered among the world there are mystical relics known as “disc stones” who contains monsters, and the person who frees them will be recognized as the one and only master. So, many people have started to collect them to raise the most powerful beings to train and eventually let fight them each other; now a new generation of breeders is here, let’s work hard to become the greatest trainer ever with Monster Farm for Nintendo Switch!

Including more than lovely 200 creatures to raise, the new version of this classic of the 90s features all the legendary head to head fighting action that will turn your gaming room into an actual farm where the monsters can bounce around freely, and train hard to unleash their inner superpowers. If you have played the original PlayStation version, you’ll surely remember that each monster was created using music CDs; well, in Monster Farm for NS you can leave them untouched because a TITANIC database of songs has been included in the cartridge, so the process creation is easier than ever, you must only choose your favorite track from the list, and the game is made!
Suezo, Banaga, Mocchi, Ducken, and all the other wacky superstars are here to battle again and again to help you to reach the top of monster breeder league; an impressive training program waits for them, but bear in mind that monster does not live on fight alone; cuddle them, feed them, and nurture them, do it well, and they’ll grow cuter & happy day by day, this is the secret of any self-respecting farmer.
As any sensitive creature, even the monsters have their own needs to satisfy; neglect them, and you’ll have to face the consequences!

Monster Farm for Nintendo Switch is a monster breeding game unlike anything else; release the full potential of your monsters with this digital-only gem, and they’ll soon turn themselves into the cutest ultimate fighting machines ever appeared on Earth!


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